The St. Stephen PTO is a group of volunteers who:
Support the faith formation and academic excellence of the students
Promote communication among parents, teachers, and administration
Provide parents with information to aid education, growth, and development of their children
Support the school through hospitality, fundraising, social events, volunteer activities as well as subsidize technology upgrades and safety needs
President: Jill Summary
Treasurer: Kathy Warren
Shark Shoppe: Kendal Dauphin
Hospitality: Kim Armstrong
Home & School: Stephanie Nigh
Ambassadors / Connections / Board of Ed Representative: OPEN
Uniform Closet: OPEN
Non-event Fundraising: Jill Summary
Trivia Night: Meghan Hartzler
Playground: Laura Dooley
Faculty Representative (non-voting): Christy Biundo
Principal (non-voting): Greg Sturgill
Our periodic PTO Dine-Arounds are a great way to make some money for our PTO projects while also supporting neighborhood restaurants. Eat at these establishments on the dates below, mention "St. Stephen," and they will share a portion of their profits with us.
We love to be able to give our hard-working teachers a mid-day break each day. Thank you for offering your help!
Select one more open slots from the lunchroom and recess schedule linked below. We appreciate your openness to helping with slots where needed, even if your child is not eating that time.
You will receive an emailed reminder two days prior to your slot. Please let Mr. Sturgill know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your commitment so that we can cover it. You can reach him at 314-752-4700 or
Volunteers should enter through the school's main entrance. Please ring the bell at the double doors on the west side of the building, across from the bell tower.
Volunteers are required to be up to date with the Archdiocesan Protecting God's Children requirements. If you have questions about this, please contact SSP Child Safety Coordinator Bridget Judge at 314-481-1133 ext 307 or
Responsible Use & Technology Agreement
Students and their families are required to review and agree to guidelines regarding the use of technology in connection with their education at St. Stephen Protomartyr School.
Those enrolling or re-enrolling for a new school year are asked to review this document and provide their signature when directed within the FACTS enrollment process.